To start a business in india some basic registration is required like SSI Unit or MSME registration also Gumastra Dhara is required for commericial purpose but those who wants to start a business from Home then also any enterprenuer can start it by getting MSME Reg. certificate.
We provide guidelines and support for new enterprenuers or new business start-up to start new business for your firm.
Those who wants to start business from Home like services providing like acedemic tutions, acedemic classes, to start trading, distributoion of products,, to start gruh udyog, or to open laghu udyog, Electrical contractors, Civil contractors, Import export business, Solutions provider computer hardware or computer software provider or computer support or to do online business like e-commerce like AMAZON, FLIPKART, etc.
Those who wants to start new manufacturing unit from Small premisies, to start storage house, go-downs and various business.
We provide guidelines and support for new enterprenuers or new business start-up to start new business for your firm.
Those who wants to start business from Home like services providing like acedemic tutions, acedemic classes, to start trading, distributoion of products,, to start gruh udyog, or to open laghu udyog, Electrical contractors, Civil contractors, Import export business, Solutions provider computer hardware or computer software provider or computer support or to do online business like e-commerce like AMAZON, FLIPKART, etc.
Those who wants to start new manufacturing unit from Small premisies, to start storage house, go-downs and various business.
Thanks for sharing this guide about IEC Code but what some need for this process like a pan card.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing such a wonderful information.It's very helpful.We are providing the platform for Udyam Registration Certificate Small Scale Industries Registartion